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.1 The system shall be protected from power line surges and voltage transients. Provide with proposal, a
technical description of this protection.
.1 Provide automatic retention of RAM and real time clock from any power failure of at least
SEVENTY-TWO (72) hours duration..2 Provide for automatic restart of the system upon power return.
.3 The proposal shall describe the power failure protection system to be employed. System may be tested to
confirm rated hours.
.1 Any component malfunction shall not damage any of the remaining components. Provide with proposal a
technical description ofhow this is accomplished..2 Provide information on over voltage protection on inputs and outputs.
.1 SAP and TUC replacement shall be possible without any hardware modification.
.1 The system shall have the capability to be taken off line in the event of failure or for maintenance and
returned to operation without the need for entering any portion of the software program manually. To
accomplish this, an off-line disk storage device shall be utilized to provide software backup and reload..2 On-site backup and verification of the entire system, with full applications software, shall be less than TWO
(2) seconds per real point. This feature will be checked during commissioning phase..3 Explain in the Proposal how the back up is accomplished.
Trend Logs - One and a Half (1.5) TL for each input and output point
connected to the SAP with 100
.2 Controllers - TWO (2) for each analog output point connected to the SAP.
.3 Software Points - THREE (3) for each output point connected to the SAP.
.4 Operator Control Language
(OCL) - TWENTY (20) syntactically correct lines each with at least 4 operators,
for each
output point connected to the SAP.
.5 Descriptor - ONE (1) for each
user definable point, real or software, in the SAP. In addition, on multi-SAP
every descriptor in the system must be accessible from every operator interface device.
.6 Time Schedules - ONE (1) for every 3 output points connected to the SAP.
.7 Totalizers - ONE (1) for each digital point in the SAP.
.8 In the event there are TUCs
networked to the SAP, which do not have their own memory meeting items .1
through .7,
the SAP must have full memory for all TUC points as well as points connected directly.
.9 Provide with Proposal, calculations which confirm the foregoing RAM requirements are met for each SAP.
.1 Effective SAP Processing Speed - Maximum permissible execution time is TWO (2) seconds. Execution
time is defined as the time it takes the SAP CPU to execute all application software in the SAP, with no
system timing errors, from some point in the software back to the same point, assuming full memory usage,
as defined in Clause 5.6 above, while simultaneously responding to operator or terminal display requests and
carrying out normal inter-SAP communications averaged over a ONE (1)-minute period. This will be done
during the commissioning phase by setting up a counter in each SAP and monitoring their counting rate.
5.8 System Display Speed
.1 The minimum time to change from one dynamic screen to another is 7 seconds. This test will be carried out
from a remote site with the Corporation's standard modem and will be the average of 10 typical displays for
the project. Tests will be carried out with the specified system configuration, excluding multi-user and
alarming functions.
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