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.1 All functions of the system, storage of data, execution of commands, editing of programs, creation and
display of graphics, etc., must be available regardless of the method of access to the system. Functionality
must not be dependent on a continuous connection to the CCS in the building, as there may not be a PC
installed on-site.
.2 The Corporation will be accessing the CCS through Corporation Standard equipment by the following
methods:.1 Through an on-site desktop or notebook PC, connected to the CCS, but not necessarily permanently
installed..2 Through either a desktop PC or a notebook PC, which will connect to the CCS periodically by
modem..3 The Corporation requires two modes of access to the CCS:
.1 Through a text based terminal emulation interface available at all points of connection to the CCS.
.2 Through the full graphics interface described below, where the graphics are resident on any PC,
whether connected directly to the CCS or remotely through the modem..4 Describe in the proposal data how each method and mode of access is accomplished.
.1 The system shall have a minimum of 4 levels of password access security.
.2 Describe the functionality assigned to each level.
.1 Provide and install, (complete with connecting cables), a 28,800 baud auto-dial, auto-answer modem that
will also allow access at any incoming lower speed..2 BCBC will provide for the installation of the phone line.
.1 Provide 6 copies of all software required to access the control system and carry out all the specified
operator interface functions. This software will be for Corporation use only, from either on-site or remote
access locations. Proposal price amount to include any licensing costs for the software..2 The operator interface software provided with the system shall be compatible with the Corporation's
standard hardware and operating system and be fully supported by the manufacturer for the next five years..3 Supply in disk format to conform to Corporate Standard hardware and operating system.
.4 Provide the following dynamic graphic data display capabilities:
.1 Dynamic data display on each graphic which can accommodate any combination of dynamic (point
type) information, graphic symbols and text, displayed at any location on the entire screen..2 User control over attributes of dynamic data for display, including:
- values
- units
- point names and full descriptions
- auto/manual indication
- access to full point parameters
- text size
.3 Dynamic linking of screens via definition of ``hot spots'' at any location on screen.
.4 User definable sizing of ``hot spots'' and ability to control colour and transparency of same.
.5 User-controllable automatic update of dynamic data.
.6 Minimum of 64 dynamic graphic displays per Stand Alone Panel.
.7 Minimum of 100 points per graphic display.
.8 Ability to print directly from screen, to either a black & while, or colour printer.
.9 Automatic display of alarm indication and the ability to disable auto-display of graphic.
.1 Apply BCBC's Graphic Guidelines to all colour graphics specified.
.2 Provide all graphics listed in Section 15930.
.1 Provide separate price for static, colour graphics generation software to run on Corporation standard
equipment..2 Software must provide the following capabilities:
.1 System that allows user to create, modify, and delete static graphics screens.
.2 Minimum VGA resolution with sixteen colour capability.
.3 Mechanism for copying and editing graphics of similar layout.
.4 Mechanism for importing Windows 3.1 graphics file formats, such as TIFF, GIF, PCX, DXF, BMP.
.5 Graphics creation features shall provide:
- User creation of symbols that can be stored for future use.
- Control of symbol location on screen.
- Control of line drawing, type, colour and thickness.
- Control of infill colour, background colour.
- Control of alpha-numeric text, including font size and colour.
Refer to Section 15920 for equipment to be supplied on this project.
The Corporation Standard equipment is
as follows:
.1 Desktop
Pentium [II] 300 Mhz
Includes: MS Windows NT / DOS 6.2
64 MB
kB cache, Mach 64 video accelerator c/w 2 MB RAM
XE15 VGA colour monitor
4 MB
video memory upgrade
Serial Mouse
.2 Notebook
c/w 4
MB RAM, MS Windows NT / DOS 6.0
14.4/14.4 FAX modem
3.5" 1.44 MB FDD
MB HDD / Passive Colour
Ballpint Mouse
case, Battery, 110 VAC adaptor/charger
.3 Operating System
DOS 6.2/Windows NT
.4 Printer
Stylus Colour Ink Jet Printer
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