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It is the intention of the Corporation to obtain a complete, operational Client Comfort System (CCS). The Contractor shall provide everything, both materials and labour, required for a complete and fully operational system including, but not limited to:
.1 All engineering and documentation necessary to define all details of the contractor's system for both
Corporation review and Contractor installation;.2 All computerised and electronic hardware, including network communications devices, standalone panels
and terminal unit controllers;.3 All hardware components necessary for a complete system, including field devices of all types (e.g. sensors,
actuators, relays, contractors), transformers, wiring, conduit, raceways, and piping;.4 All application programming, databases, graphics and other activities related to computer software or
firmware, required to implement the generic start-up logic and the graphics screens (including dynamic data
points and ``hot'' spots) defined in this specification. Refer to 15930;.5 A complete installation of all non-DDC and emergency controls listed in this specification;
.6 Labour and supervision for the installation, calibration, adjustments, checkouts, commissioning of all
components and devices provided, and Substantial Performance requirements; and.7 Complete documentation of the completed installation, with commissioning reports and operations and
maintenance manuals.Installation shall be in accordance with the PS 8 Installation Standards.
.1 Installation shall conform to the latest building codes and standards in effect.
.2 Wiring to be in accordance with C.E.C. and the standards of Division 16 for the project.
.3 Openings through fire separations shall be sealed with an approved fire stopping product.
.4 The location of all devices to be reviewed with the Corporation's representative prior to installation.
.5 It is the Control
Contractors responsibility to be familiar with and abide by the latest issue of the BCBC
Point Naming Convention and Graphics
Guidelines for Client Comfort Systems. These are available on the Internet
or in
hard copy from BCBC Technical Value Department.
.1 Submit shop drawings
for the project, in accordance with Section 01340 of the General Conditions of the
the Project, and as follows:
.2 Submit product data on
all computer components, Standalone panels, (SAPs), terminal unit controllers, (TUCs),
field devices. All data not applicable to project to be crossed out. Refer to PS 6.1.
.3 Provide schematics
showing system architecture including network, SAPs and TUCs, wiring ladder diagrams and
layouts referenced to Points Lists.
.4 Submit graphic screens
in software format and hard copy to the Engineer for review a minimum of 4 weeks prior to
the 7
day test.
.5 Provide written
software for proposed sequences of operation which differ from the generic start-up logic
included in the specifications section 15930, to Consultant for review, prior to
installation in panels and equipment
.6 Apply BCBC Point Naming Convention to all points.
.7 Submit calculations on
a panel-by-panel basis, confirming the random access memory (RAM) requirements in
Clause PS5, item 5.6 Memory, are met.
.8 Provide recommended list of spare parts to be stocked on site.
.9 Provide an outline of the training program and the name and background of the person who will perform the training.
.10 Submit two copies of shop drawings to BCBC Project Manager for review.
Without restricting any warranty or guarantee implied or stipulated by law or elsewhere in the contract documents, the Controls Contractor will, at his own expense, rectify and make good any defect or fault that appears in the work within TWELVE (12) months from the date of the Certificate of Substantial Performance. Service inspections and servicing of equipment during the warranty year.
Include a program, of at least 20 hours duration, for on-site operator training. This program shall, at a minimum, cover the following:
.1 All procedures necessary for writing, editing, saving, uploading, and downloading of application software,
point definition database, and any other software accessible to the user..2 The set-up, documentation, and editing of system displays for all systems and interfaces included in this
contract..3 The set-up, documentation, and editing of totalizers, trend logs and trend graphing for operator selected
points in each of the systems..4 All procedures necessary to set up and execute point monitoring, point command (e.g. auto/manual toggle
and in manual, assigning a specific value), and point response monitoring functions..5 Training for all of the foregoing shall be carried out from both the onsite user interface terminal and from a
remote terminal by modem, and using both the Contractor's full graphics interface software and text-based
terminal mode software (if the latter is provided).
.1 The following products
are approved for this project, subject to the system component and configuration
listed for each manufacturer:
HVAC System Product Number
1 to 9 10 +
Thermal Zones in Building
1. Single Zone (reheat optional) ICP015 ICP015
2. Central VAV(reheat optional) ICP015 ICP015 and IZ
3. Bypass VAV(reheat optional) ICP015 ICP015
4. Multizone ICP015 ICP015
5. Dual Fan Dual Duct n/a ICP015 and IZ
6. Air to Air Heat Pump ICP015 ICP015
7. Water Loop Heat Pump n/a ICP015 and IZ
Must include five (5) licensed copies of IGRAPHW.EXE software.
HVAC System Product Number
1 to 9 10 +
Thermal Zones in Building
1. Single Zone (reheat optional) MACH2 MACH2; MNC100
2. Central VAV(reheat optional) MACH2 MACH2; MNC100 & Mach-Air
3. Bypass VAV(reheat optional) MACH2 MACH2; MNC100
4. Multizone MACH2 MACH2; MNC100
5. Dual Fan Dual Duct MACH2 MACH2; MNC100 & Mach-Air
6. Air to Air Heat Pump MACH2 MACH2; MNC100
7. Water Loop Heat Pump MACH2 MACH2; MNC100 & MACH1
Must include five (5) licensed copies of MultiNet Incontrol for Windows software.Static screen graphics generation software shall be Visio Technical.
.2 Every system shall be
compatible with PC terminals with MSDOS 6.2 and operating under a Windows NT
.3 Other vendors who wish
to receive approval to bid shall submit complete data for review in accordance with
Request for Approval process specified elsewhere in the contract documents. For the CCS,
the review procedure
include an all day interview session with the vendor, the Consultant and the Corporation,
to evaluate capabilities
detail. Such an interview will require attendance by technically knowledgeable staff from
the vendor. Allow time
this procedure when the approval request is submitted.
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